The city of Tunis has obtained two awards at the Leadership for smart cities summit: investing in inclusive and sustainable cities of future” (leadership for smart cities: investing in inclusive and sustainable cities of the future) held in Kigali in Rwanda from September 06 to 08 in progress.​
According to a press release published on the official page of the Ministry of Communication technologies, a report carried out by a group of experts, as part of a partnership program between the United Nations and the Alliance for an Intelligent Africa (Smart Africa), ranked the city of Tunis among the first African cities with a good digital infrastructure and whose digital services provided to citizens are developed.​
The prizes were awarded to the Minister of communication technologies, Nizar Ben Néji, who participated in the work of a session on the connection of smart cities of the future during which the emphasis was placed on the importance of developing the digital infrastructure to guarantee equal opportunities in access to digital services.​
More than 1,000 participants and about fifty exhibitors took part in the work of the Summit and discussed ways to overcome the challenges to transform African cities into smart and sustainable cities that take advantage of technological developments to improve the quality of life of citizens.

Source (translated from):​​


Financial transfers to Tunisia reached 5.8 billion dinars at the end of June 2023, juin 2023, contre 11,6 milliards de dinars au cours de la même période de l’année précédente,compared to 11.6 billion dinars during the same period last year, according to the bulletin of the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) on financial indicators n° 223.During the entire year 2022, these transfers were of the order of 19.1 billion dinars.

​The President of the Republic Kaïs Saïed made an unannounced visit yesterday Friday to the headquarters of the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT), and stressed the imperative of better controlling the control of financing to Tunisia.​

The indicators of the issuing institution also show an increase in the value of current transactions at 44.1 billion dinars, during the first half of 2023, which are composed mainly of commercial transactions and tourist recipes as well as labor income, compared to 38.9 billion dinars during the same period of 2022, registering a significant increase of 5.2 billion dinars (11,8%).

This situation explains a control of the balance of payments deficit which did not exceed 1.8% of gross domestic Product (GDP) at the end of July 2023, according to the latest data from the BCT Board of Directors held on September 7.


According to the Central Bank, the indicators of e-banking reveal a clear improvement in the first nine months of 2022 compared to the same period last year.

The BCT also reports an increase in merchant sites of 4% reaching 1,489 at the end of September against 1,436 sites in 2021.

Regarding E-payment operations, they amounted to 9.4 million, for an estimated value of 619 million dinars, an increase of 31% and 52% respectively%

The 2023 finance Law provides for a deficit of almost 7.5 billion dinars, given that the expenses of the state budget will be at the level of 54 billion dinars, while the revenues will not exceed 46.4 billion dinars. According to this text, which was published friday evening, in the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic (Jort) n° 141 (of December 23, 2022), tax revenues (40.5 billion dinars) will represent more than 87% of the total of revenue drained throughout the year 2023. Non-tax revenues will not exceed not the 5.5 billion dinars. The Finance Law also provides that the resources of will amount, during the 2023 financial year, to nearly 23.5 billion dinars; an envelope that will be mobilized thanks to estimated external and internal borrowing resources respectively to 14.8 billion dinars and 9.5 billion dinars. These resources will finance the budget deficit (7.5 billion dinars) and repay the principal amount of the debt (about 15.8 billion dinars).


Designed to accelerate investments in favor of the SDGs, the SDG Investor Map Tunisia report identifies priority sectors and areas of investment opportunities aligned with national development priorities and the SDGs and meeting the financial performance objectives of the private sector.

As a guide for investors, the SDG Investor Map was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Planning and the Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in UNDP Development (IICPSD). He exposes the importance of investing for the SDGs, the SDG Investor methodology Map and the 6 sectors and 18 areas of investment opportunities identified. 3

​The priority sectors for investment in favor of the SDGs are infrastructure, food and beverages (agriculture), transport, health care, renewable and alternative energies,technologies and communication, financial services, education.
