International investments in Tunisia reached the amount of 1,388.9 MTND* at the end of the first half of 2024, according to a report made public in mid-August by FIPA Tunisia. Compared to the last three years, these investments recorded variations of +13.8% compared to 2023, +34.2% compared to 2022 and +42.0% compared to 2021.

The flow of non-energy FDI recorded during the first half of 2024 made it possible to carry out 610 investment operations with a total value of 1,057.2 MTND, creating 4,820 new jobs.

Among these investment projects:

  • 34 (6%) are related to creation projects worth 77.2 MTND (7%) allowing the creation of 783 (16%) new job positions, and
  • 576 (94%) are related to extension projects worth 980.0 MTND (93%) which made it possible to create 4,037 (84%) new job positions.

The distribution of incoming flows by country-of-origin places France in first position with 344.2MTND, or more than 32% of total FDI excluding energy. Italy is in second position with 141.3MTND, Germany third with 115.3MTND, Spain fourth with 79.6MTND and Qatar in fifth position with 72.5MTND.

  • 1TND = 0.30 euro as of 8/16/2024
  • 1TND = 0.32 US dollars as of 8/16/2024

International investments in Tunisia reached the amount of 1,388.9 MTND* at the end of the first half of 2024, according to a report made public in mid-August by FIPA Tunisia. Compared to the last three years, these investments recorded variations of +13.8% compared to 2023, +34.2% compared to 2022 and +42.0% compared to 2021.

The flow of non-energy FDI recorded during the first half of 2024 made it possible to carry out 610 investment operations with a total value of 1,057.2 MTND, creating 4,820 new jobs.

Among these investment projects:

  • 34 (6%) are related to creation projects worth 77.2 MTND (7%) allowing the creation of 783 (16%) new job positions, and
  • 576 (94%) are related to extension projects worth 980.0 MTND (93%) which made it possible to create 4,037 (84%) new job positions.

The distribution of incoming flows by country-of-origin places France in first position with 344.2MTND, or more than 32% of total FDI excluding energy. Italy is in second position with 141.3MTND, Germany third with 115.3MTND, Spain fourth with 79.6MTND and Qatar in fifth position with 72.5MTND.

  • 1TND = 0.30 euro as of 8/16/2024
  • 1TND = 0.32 US dollars as of 8/16/2024

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer l’organisation de la 8ème édition du Sommet Tunisien du Digital (TDS), qui se tiendra conjointement avec la 3ème édition d’afric’Up, GEEC, Developer Days et Job Fair, sous le nouveau label : BIGTECH. Cet événement majeur dédié au digital, aux startups et aux technologies se déroulera du 26 au 29 juin 2024 au Parc des Expositions du Kram en Tunisie.
BIGTECH, organisé par TPM Events, se positionne comme un rendez-vous incontournable pour les acteurs du numérique en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient. Il offre une opportunité unique de découvrir, échanger et contribuer au dynamisme de la technologie et des startups sur le continent africain.
Durant ces quatre jours, vous aurez l’occasion de rencontrer des entrepreneurs, des investisseurs, des experts en technologie et des décideurs de divers horizons.

Points clés de BIGTECH 2024 :
• Date : 26 au 29 juin 2024
• Lieu : Parc des Expositions du Kram, Tunis, Tunisie
• Événements : 8ème Sommet Tunisien du Digital (TDS), 3ème édition d’afric’Up, GEEC, Developer Days et Job Fair
• Objectifs : Favoriser l’innovation, encourager les partenariats technologiques, promouvoir les startups et explorer les tendances émergentes dans le domaine du digital.
Documentation relative à BIGTECH-TDS :
A. Project Overview
BIGTECH 2024-Présentation
BIGTECH 2024-KPIs & Chiffres
BIGTECH 2024-Plaquette
BIGTECH 2024 – Plan
B. Content and agenda
BIGTECH 2024-Panels & workshops FR/ENG
Mapping du projet d’agenda BIGTECH 2024
C. Participation forms – International Market
BIGTECH 2024-Formules exposition-marché international
BIGTECH 2024-Formules de sponsoring-marché international
BIGTECH 2024-Bon de commande et conditions générales

On 27 June 2024, Tunisia will host for the first time the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Investment Forum (CIF 2024), with the participation of 21 African States and international organisations.
Organised by the COMESA Regional Investment Agency Agency (COMESA RIA), the forum will be attended by a number of African Tunisian and international organisations and parties, including the European Union delegation and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), as well as the Ministries of the Economy and Planning, Trade and Export Development and the Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce and Handicrafts (UTICA), and the Investment Promotion Agency, according to a press release issued by COMESA RIA.
The Director General of the COMESA RIA, Hiba Salama, said that this forum, organised this year for the first time in Tunisia following its accession to COMESA in 2018, aims to encourage trade and investment between the COMESA States, and to inform Tunisian businessmen of the investment and trade opportunities in the COMESA countries, in particular the advantages offered by the organisation and its member companies in the field of investment and trade.
COMESA, Africa’s largest regional economic community, comprises 21 member states with a population of over 640 million and a combined GDP of $1 trillion. Notified as a Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) to the World Trade Organisation in 1995, COMESA continues to work towards becoming a fully-fledged economic community, promoting both internal and external trade.
COMESA member states are Tunisia, Egypt, Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Union of Comoros, Zambia and Zimbabwe.